Apprentice Pay Rates
When you begin training as an apprentice, you will be paid one of two ways, either under an award or an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA). Good employers will generally have an EBA and pay above award conditions. EBAs are negotiated by ETU officials and representatives and often apprentices will receive pay more than double that of the award.
The main award that covers electrical apprentices is called the Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2020. The wages and conditions set out in the award are the bare minimum entitlements that you employer must pay you.
By law, employers are obligated to tell you which industrial instrument you will be paid under. Often apprentices do not know this and some dodgy employers will try and exploit them because of it. The majority of contractual issues apprentices face are due to not being paid correctly. The ETU will happily represent any of our apprentice members and we urge you to contact your branch if you think you have been underpaid.
For your reference:
Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2020
Electrical, Electronic & Communications Contracting Award - PAY GUIDE
Department of Training & Workforce Development - Apprenticeship Policy
Safe Working Guidelines & Assessment for Electrical Apprentices

In addition to these rates other allowances may apply. For more information on Adult Apprentice rates and a comprehensive list of Allowances, travel rates etc. that are included in these wage rates please contact:
Apprentice Organiser, Rob de Graaf - 0475 575 551